Kate Winslet & Jessica Chastain Have VERY DIFFERENT Takes On The Harvey Weinstein Scandal…


The Harvey Weinstein scandal seems pretty simple; after years of alleged sexual harassment and assault, victims are finally speaking out.

But interestingly we're hearing some pretty different responses to the accusations from around Tinseltown.

On the one hand, you have many for whom this is one of the worst kept secrets in Hollywood. The exposé just meant Weinstein finally facing consequences for something everyone knew about.

Related: Weinstein Called After Sexual Assault To Say He 'Had A Great Time'

On the other, you have actors like Meryl Streep wanting to assure everyone that "not everybody knew."

Kate Winslet, who won an Oscar working with The Weinstein Company on The Reader just eight years ago, is firmly in that camp, telling Variety the news was "shocking" to her:

"The fact that these women are starting to speak out about the gross misconduct of one of our most important and well regarded film producers, is incredibly brave and has been deeply shocking to hear.

The way Harvey Weinstein has treated these vulnerable, talented young women is NOT the way women should ever EVER deem to be acceptable or commonplace in ANY workplace. I have no doubt that for these women this time has been, and continues to be extremely traumatic. I fully embrace and salute their profound courage, and I unequivocally support this level of very necessary exposure of someone who has behaved in reprehensible and disgusting ways. His behaviour is without question disgraceful and appalling and very, very wrong."

She may not have completely known, but she does admit this isn't the first time she's heard rumors:

"I had hoped that these kind of stories were just made up rumours, maybe we have all been naïve. And it makes me so angry. There must be ‘no tolerance' of this degrading, vile treatment of women in ANY workplace anywhere in the world."

On the other side of the spectrum is Jessica Chastain, who tweeted on Monday that she definitely was NOT "naive" on the matter:

It seems she isn't buying that so many didn't know.

But some on Twitter weren't buying Jessica saying she knew and kept away from working with him -- but she was not taking that lying down:

Jessica also specifically says she appreciates Kate's statement and doesn't want ANYONE attacking her or anyone else over this:

Sounds like common ground to us!

[Image via Dave Bedrosian/Future Image/WENN.]

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