Sam Smith Comes Out With Gender-Fluid Identity: 'I Feel Just As Much Woman As I Am Man'


Sam Smith is opening up more than ever.

Ahead of The Thrill Of It All's November 3 release, the singer sat down for an honest interview with The Sunday Times to discuss sexuality, gender, and his new music!

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Talking about coming out publicly in 2014 with the release of his first album, the 25-year-old confessed:

"Looking back on it, it was the fear of saying the wrong thing and offending. And I was 19 when I started writing the first album. I'd just moved to London from a village—I was literally the only gay in the village. I didn't know what I wanted to say."

Now, it sounds like Sam has become more comfortable with his identity.

When asked if he feels like a cisgender male, he replied:

"No. I mean, I've got these tattoos on my fingers. I don't know what the title would be, but I feel just as much woman as I am man."

The tattoos the Brit is referring to are of the male and female gender symbols.

Smith also talked about his love for dressing up in drag, saying he checks out Australia's House Of Priscilla when he can:

"Oh my god, I just buy everything – heels, dresses. We have a great time."

He continued about his gender-fluid identity:

"I love a heel. I've got loads of heels at home... People don't know this, but when I was 17, I remember becoming obsessed with Boy George and Marilyn. There was one moment in my life when I didn't own a piece of male clothing, really. I would wear full make up every day at school – eyelashes, leggings with Dr Martens and huge fur coats, for two and a half years."

The star added he was bullied for it in school:

"I got teased a lot for it. But there were also people respecting me for walking around like that in my school."

We love that he owned it!!

Also in his candid interview, the Oscar winner talked about how his new music is showing how much he's grown:

"I think they show my growth, my confidence. I feel like they show me. They show the gay guy I've become."


While he remained relatively out of the spotlight before releasing his new tracks, Sam explained he was "going out too much" the last year:

"Last year...I'd say the entire year, I went out too much, I started drinking way too much and I started smoking cigarettes, stupidly. And I lost a little bit of control towards the end. I haven't drunk now in 2.5 months. I will drink again—it wasn't 'A Drinking Problem.'"

Although, he's definitely aware of his "addictive personality."

There's just so much to learn about him!

[Image via Lia Toby/WENN.]

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